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Strategy transnational e. V.
Dr. Heidemarie Wünsche Piétzka
Theaterstrasse 76
09111 Chemnitz/Germany

phone: +49 371 3346015
fax: +49 371 3346016


European Network of Dialogue Process Facilitators

Contact form

With this form you can contact us directly. Please fill all fields correctly that are marketd with a *.

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Securityprompt and Privacy Policy
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Privacy policy referring to this contact form

With a click on the button "Submit", you transmit the entered data to our web server. This is therefore a data collection on a voluntary basis in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.
The data entered is transmitted in encrypted form. Your data will be treated strictly confidential and will not be passed on to third parties. You can revoke your consent to storage at any time and request deletion. Simply send an informal e-mail to strategy.eu@t-online.de.

The data processor is Strategy transnational e. V.. The data you provide us with will be processed. The purpose of the data collection is the one you are pursuing. The Strategy transnational e. V. may contact me for this purpose. You will find further data protection information in our Privacy Policy.


ENDF e. V.

c/o Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka

Bürgerstraße 12

53173 Bonn


cell: +49 171 68 355 28


Source: https://dialogue-facilitators.eu/Contact_form

Supported by:

Internetagentur simpilio

The DIA-FCC project
has been co-financed by:

Education an Culture DG
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